Top 15 Easy Freelance Jobs For Beginner

Freelancing is such a tempting job to pursue, why wouldn’t you want to earn money this way?

You get to be your own boss!

Be as flexible as you want, and work from anywhere and anytime you want. As long as you get the job done, anything is possible.

Do any of these statements sound appealing to you?

Or are you just tired of chasing the time and your boss’s complaints and demands?

Why not try freelancing for a change?

I know it sounds too good to be true, but all successful freelancers are equipped with commendable values such as discipline and consistency.

Here is a compiled list of freelancing jobs for beginners for starters. This post will walk you through all you need about easy freelance jobs if you have never done it before and want to get started.

Top 15 Easy Freelance Jobs for Beginners

1. Writer

The first of several easiest freelance jobs for beginners is writing. If you have writing skills, the freelance market will likely be in great demand for you!

Whatever written text is required by their clients, freelance writers produce it while working from home or an office that they have rented.

A writer may work for a variety of clients or for one extremely large client who provides a lot of consistent, ongoing work.

There are many kinds of writing you can do, some of them are such as:

  1. Blog writers
  2. Article writers
  3. Web content writers
  4. Fiction writers
  5. Ebook writers
  6. Content writer
  7. Academic writing

2. Graphic designer

A freelance graphic designer is a self-employed individual who handles several tasks for various clients at once, they’re not loyal to one company only. 

A graphic designer combines art and technology to create visuals that represent a company’s brand.

If you are skilled at using widely known software such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator, you can now start freelance because this is what graphic designer use to do their job.

Types of tasks graphic designers do:

  • Design logos
  • Design book covers
  • Drawing posters
  • Creating flyers
  • Making brochures

This job is suitable for the creative-minded beginners out there!

3. Virtual Assistant

As a freelance virtual assistant performs administrative tasks for a client from their home while working away from the customer’s office.

You provide administrative assistance and technological direction. As long as you fulfill every duty, a virtual assistant who works for themselves can serve several clients.

As a beginner getting into virtual assistant freelancing, here’s a variety of tasks that you need to perform:

  • Answering emails
  • Setting up appointments
  • Coordinating travel-related research
  • Keeping an eye on social media
  • Bookkeeping

If you decide to be one, you must pay for and supply your own computer hardware, software, and high-speed Internet connectivity.

4. Video Editor

Next on the easy freelance job list is a freelance video editor.

As a video editor, you will need to manage video elements including camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics, and special effects.

Nowadays, you can find many content creators publish videos on the internet mostly for the purpose of promoting their brand, whether that be in an informative format or even funny skits that are entertaining for viewers, therefore, there will always be the need for video editors out there.

5. Online Tutor

Are you someone who is interested in gaining teaching experience or is already equipped with teaching experience but want to start freelancing?

You can also become an online tutor, and start teaching from the comfort of your own home.

There are tons of things you can teach on the Internet, people will want to learn about almost anything they want to know.

It doesn’t have to be academic subjects only, it can also be teaching skills such as learning to play the guitar, cooking lessons, or even teaching to do makeup for beginners.

I recommend you pick a topic that you’re interested in and skilled at to start teaching about.

6. Translator

With so many languages out there, it’s impossible for anyone to master all of them.

That’s why translators are needed to help people communicate and deliver information to others.

Freelance translator works independently where they may work with multiple clients who are individuals or working on a project that needs language translation.

This role is suitable for people who are masters of at least 2 languages.

If you think about it, this role is arguably one of the easiest beginner-friendly freelance jobs you can do because language is a part of your everyday living, it’s almost as easy as breathing if the language is native to you.

7. Data Entry

Data entry jobs might sound slightly intimidating to some, including me, but with experience and knowledge, it wouldn’t sound as scary.

Your responsibilities always include typing and data input, though they could differ slightly depending on the clients you serve.

Using Excel or another data organization or visualization tool, you can produce reports based on raw data.

Experience and typing proficiency are requirements for beginning a career in freelance data entry.

Customers might prefer to hire freelancers with past experience.

Additionally, you might want to become professionally certified in Microsoft Office, which includes programs like Word and Excel.

8. Pet sitter

A girl does a pet sitter

As an animal lover myself, I get excited just by reading the title role.

Out of all the jobs out there, this is one of those jobs that you can do and earn money without feeling like you’re working, now who wouldn’t want that?

If you’re still confused, pet sitters are assigned to take care of clients’ pets at home.

Pet sitters come in handy when clients go on vacation, travel for work, work long hours, or when they are too ill or hurt to look after their pet(s).

However, this role might not be as flexible as some other freelancing jobs because depending on your client, you may need to work outside of your home and multiple locations.

Pet sitters do a variety of things while they watch over your pets:

  • Feeding them and changing their water bowls
  • Giving them exercise and playtime
  • Cleaning litter boxes and tidying up any other messes
  • Giving medications if needed
  • and giving them lots of love! 

9. Web Developer

A successful and fulfilling job as a freelance web developer is possible for individuals with an eye for coding.

If they are well-known or have strong marketing, freelance web developers may earn more money. 

To simplify it, web developers ensure the website’s development and maintenance by using codes.

They commonly use Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and other coding languages.

Again, as a freelancer, they can choose the clients they want to engage with and establish their own working hours because they are independent contractors. 

10. Photo Editor

As a freelance photo editor, you’ll have the unique opportunity to combine your love for photography and editing skills, all while earning a lucrative income.

You get to be the master of your own schedule and work at your own pace.

Plus, you’ll never have to worry about dragging your coffee-stained laptop to a stuffy office again.

So, if you’re ready to dive into a fun and fulfilling career, join the freelance photo editing bandwagon and watch your bank account flourish!

11. Voice-over Actor

A man doing a voice over job

Aspiring voice-over actors looking to break into the industry can take advantage of the growing demand for freelance work.

Freelancing can also be a great choice for beginners looking to establish themselves in the world of voice acting, as it allows them to build a portfolio and gain experience without the constraints of a full-time job.

With the rise of online platforms that connect clients with freelance talent, the opportunities for voice-over actors to showcase their skills and find new gigs are expanding.

12. Product Review

Are you looking for freelance gigs that can pay you to voice your opinions?

Then a freelance product reviewer might just be the perfect match for you!

Not only do you get to try out new products and services, but your insights and recommendations can actually make a difference in the way people spend their hard-earned cash.

So go ahead, put on your critical thinking caps, and get ready to become the Simon Cowell of the freelance world.

Just remember to keep those witty remarks coming, because you never know who might be listening!

13. Social Media Manager

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, good customer service skills, and a knack for social media, a freelance social media manager would be the perfect career!

This job entails developing and executing social media strategies for businesses and organizations.

A freelance social media manager is in charge of creating content for social media platforms, engaging with the audience, and analyzing campaigns to make adjustments.

A freelance social media manager works on a contract basis which makes it one of the easy freelance jobs.

14. Advisor/ Consultant

Being a freelance consultant, or an independent specialist who offers guidance on a certain subject or idea, is one of the most well-liked careers for freelancers.

Businesses seeking to improve their operations or evaluate their financial decisions frequently engage the services of consultants.

However, because a consultant can specialize in almost any area, there are numerous consultant types and career paths available to them.

There are many different kinds of freelance consultants who specialize in many different areas, such as:

  • Financial advisory
  • Operations
  • Human resource
  • Business
  • Strategy
  • Marketing
  • IT
  • Management

15. Photographer

If you have a great sense for taking pictures, like taking great angles, finding the right lighting, and many other elements that you put effort into when taking pictures, you would be a great photographer!

A self-employed artist that performs skilled picture shoots for customers is a freelance photographer.

They have their own photography studios where they cultivate clients and market their products to draw in new customers.

Some independent photographers might concentrate on certain types of photography for certain occasions, such as traveling, food, weddings, graduations, and many more.

Additional FAQs

Tips for beginners

When you start freelancing, you are your boss, manager, marketer, and more, therefore you gotta know how to manage your tasks and time so that you don’t end up having to catch up with a lot of work or have burn-outs from doing too much.

Know when to take a break and when you should work even if you love your work.

Consistency is the important key to successful freelancing.

But that’s only the surface of freelancing, here are other tips or just things that you should take into consideration if you do freelancing jobs for beginners:

  1. Set specific, reasonable goals for your sector
  2. Evaluate your present skill set
  3. Rely on the connections and network you have
  4. Understand where to hunt for work and how to avoid scams
  5. Using your website, showcase your portfolio
  6. Make contact with a seasoned freelancer for mentoring
  7. Experience should come before money at first.

How much can you earn?

The amount of money you make as a freelancer depends on a variety of factors, especially whether you choose to work for yourself full-time or part-time.

Your ability to create excellent work, complete assignments quickly, and earn money as a freelancer all play a role in your ability to make an income.

Where to put yourself out there?

Freelancers use certain websites or even social media platforms to advertise their services to employers, freelancers may use different platforms depending on their preferences.

There are specific websites that help freelancers make money, these freelance writing sites may come at a commission cost though by helping you advertise yourselves.

Here’s a list of popular Freelancing websites you can use:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • LinkedIn
  • FlexJobs
  • Guru
  • People per hour

A step-by-step guide to starting for beginners:

Now that you know the easy freelance jobs you can do, we’ve provided you with a step-by-step realistic guide on how to get started:

  1. Describe your product and service
  2. Identify your target market.
  3. Create a pricing plan
  4. Create a portfolio of your previous work.
  5. Craft a strong proposal.
  6. Establish a rapport with your client
  7. Keep improving your abilities

Is it easy to do freelancing?

Freelancing is tricky.

To be successful as a freelancer, you must put in a lot of effort and have determination.

Furthermore, developing expertise and skills takes time.

First, you must have a thorough understanding of your abilities, whatever they may be (writing, coding, graphic design).

Second, it requires a lot of patience and work.

Finally, developing a reputation as an industry specialist takes time.

What is the disadvantage of freelancing?

Like most things, everything comes with pros and cons.

In this blog, we’ve pretty much discussed the good sides when it comes to freelancing.

Here we’ve provided a list of the downside to freelancing:

  • As a new freelancer, it might be challenging to get clients.
  • Income from a self-employed career might be unstable and variable.
  • Freelancers are responsible for covering their own business-related costs.
  • Running a business as a freelancer means working alone and doing little socializing.
  • Employee benefits like medical coverage and paid time off are not available to freelancers.

What mistakes do newbie freelancers make?

Everyone starts from somewhere, it’s normal for everyone to make mistakes and learn from them. When it comes to freelancing, here is what you newbies can look out for.

Mistake 1: Accepting poor pay

While it’s true that lower service fees can attract more loyal clients but once you realize that you can and should charge more, it becomes increasingly difficult to produce high-quality work for a reasonable price.

Mistake 2: Taking too much work or/from too many clients

Not setting workload limits can be bad for the work quality that you produce.

It has a visible impact on how well your job turns out.

Never accept more work than you can complete in the time allotted for the week. It enhances the standard of your work and displays professionalism. 

Mistake 3: Neglecting mental health

Your success depends equally on your physical and mental well-being. Treat it with respect. Working too much will cause burnout and tiredness. You can take walks, and play video games, in between your work every workday to heal your mind a little bit.

Mistake 4: Accepting unreliable customers

You will have good and bad customers.

Some customers will make excessive requests and create unrealistic expectations.

Others will slack off on their payments or refuse to make any at all.

To avoid getting scammed, make contract agreements defining each other’s expectations before starting your project.

Worst-case scenario, all you can do is fire your customers.

Mistake 5: Poor finance management

You’ll be out of a job before you realize it if your freelance business doesn’t have a solid financial plan.

Make a marketing strategy.

Create a legal structure for your company and keep organized books to track your profitability.

Misconception in Freelancing

Like any industry, there are misconceptions that can misguide freelancers and hinder their success. One common misconception is that freelancers have a lot of free time due to their flexible work schedules.

On the contrary, successful freelancers often juggle multiple clients and projects simultaneously, requiring them to maintain a disciplined schedule and excellent time management skills.

Additionally, many believe that freelancing is an easy way to make quick cash, but in reality, it takes hard work, dedication, and talent to build a successful freelance career.

These misconceptions, among others, can give freelancing a bad reputation and undermine the hard work of freelancers everywhere.

Are freelancers happier than employees?

Many research studies were made around the topic of ‘are self-employ (freelancers) happier than the ones that have to work under a company’.

The result of these studies showed a higher percentage is optimism and happier in freelancers.

Freelancing also made workers more proud of the work they produce, and increase their level of work satisfaction.

This is not a surprise since freelancing is generally born from an individual’s passion and interest.

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