How to Become a freelance writer

Do you love writing essays, poems, and fiction or are you generally good at writing?

Well, why not make something you love to do as a career or use the skills you have to gain some extra money on the side?

For people who are skilled at writing out there, freelance writing might be the next career that will make a change in your life, as long as you put in the effort and follow our 10 easy guides to becoming a successful freelance writer.

10 Easy Steps How to Become a Freelance Writer

Step 1: Determine Your Writing Niche 

When you start becoming a freelance writer, you need to think about the type of writing you want to say since there are so many kinds out there.

Although, as a beginner, you might wanna be a little less picky and be open about the type of assignments you want to do. Don’t worry, you can be more picky in the future tasks you want to do.

The different types of niches can depend on the company you want to write for, for example, if you like travelling, try asking travel/tourism-related agencies to offer your writing services as long as want one.

And once you know which company piques your interest, think about the type of writing they want you to do, the popular kinds of writing are such:

  • Blog posts
  • Article
  • Web content
  • E-book
  • Ghostwriter
  • Product Description
  • Academic writing
  • Fiction

Step 2: Build Your Writing Skills 

You are a writer after all, of course, the first thing you need to be great at is writing. Plus, it’s probably the reason why you want to do this typing job in the first place.

However, there’s always room for improvement, you can already be good at writing and still be better because there are many structures and formats you might learn to use in your future writing.

Here are some helpful ways you can do to build your writing skills for this job:

  1. Read extensively – Reading regularly exposes you to different writing styles, expands your vocabulary, and enhances your understanding of sentence structure, grammar, and storytelling techniques. 
  2. Write consistently – Practice is key to improving your writing skills. 
  3. Set specific goals – Determine what you want to achieve with your writing and set measurable goals.
  4. Seek feedback – Honest feedback helps you identify areas for improvement and provides valuable insights from different perspectives.
  5. Edit and revise – Writing is a process, and the first draft is rarely perfect.
  6. Experiment with different genres and styles – Don’t limit yourself to a single genre or writing style.

Step 3: Create a Writing Portfolio 

For your freelance writing career, it is crucial that you maintain a professional and up-to-date writing portfolio.

How to do this?

Create an attractive website where you can post and present your work samples in an eye-catching way. You can add articles in a certain niche or content covering a range of themes, depending on your preferences and knowledge.

Plus, having your own website can boost your credibility and put more about yourself and your services out there, thus attracting and convincing more clients to hire you to do the typing job for them.

Step 4: Look for writing jobs on job boards

There are several ways to find freelance work, but freelance writing job boards should be the easiest way to look for your typing jobs.

There are websites available exclusively for freelancing types of jobs, although you’ll have competition from other freelance writers, it’s still worthwhile to look through their employment listings. 

Some of these freelancing websites are:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • LinkedIn
  • FlexJobs
  • People per hour

Step 5: Start Networking 

For introverts, networking can be really taunting, plus, you probably started freelancing because you wanted to avoid the crowd in the first place.

Do not be afraid! Throw away those negative perspectives, because it’s networking that will help you thrive in your career or any career that matters.

Put a little effort and turn networking into something that’s going to be easy for you to do.

Here are some ways you can do to network:

Attend social events
Contact past clients for follow-ups
Help out family, friends, or any connections in need of help
Make use of social media
Link with other freelancers

Here are some ways you can do to network:

  • Attend social events
  • Contact past clients for follow-ups
  • Volunteer
  • Help out family, friends, or any connections in need of help
  • Make use of social media
  • Link with other freelancers

Step 6: Start Pitching 

Freelancing is essentially your own small business, therefore, you need to implement some business crucial steps in it, such as pitching.

For those who are still confused, pitching means attracting potential clients to work with you instantly, in this case, using your writing service.

Here are some tips to pitch effectively:

  1. Research potential clients
  2. Craft a compelling pitch by starting with a concise and attention-grabbing subject line that highlights the value you can provide. 
  3. Personalize your pitch by showing that you have done your research by mentioning specific articles, blog posts, or projects from the client that caught your attention. 
  4. Keep it concise and focused.
  5. Showcase your credentials or mention any relevant writing experience.
  6. Follow up with your clients after letting them review your pitch.

Step 7: Build Your Client Base 

Building a client base as a freelance writer can be a daunting task, especially when competition is stiff, but no worries, with the right ways, you can increase your chances of finding and retaining clients.

Firstly, you can start reaching out to potential clients through social media, job boards, and networking events.

It’s important to establish relationships with your clients and maintain a positive reputation in the industry.

Additionally, offering quality work, meeting deadlines, and being communicative will set you apart from other freelancers.

Take note that building a client base may take time and effort, but by staying proactive and determined, you can secure a steady stream of work and build a successful freelance writing career.

Step 8: Set Your Rates and Policies 

As a beginner freelance writer, it can be hard to decide how much you wanna be paid and how much work you need to be doing.

You might have thoughts like, “What if my rate is too high? I don’t think I’ll get customers if my prices are high.”

Sure, as a consumer, we tend to look for cheaper stuff, however, there’s such thing as higher value equals higher quality.

Newbie freelancers tend to undervalue themselves and sell their services for low prices so they end up getting paid less and being overworked.

Things to consider when setting your rates and policies such as:

  • Work facilities costs, such as electricity usage, internet, website hosting, and software that you might need to help with your work.
  • Count the hours that you’ve put the time and effort into, do not go overboard than how much you’re being paid. It’s important to have off days too!

Step 9: Stay Organised

The key ingredient to becoming a successful freelancer is staying organised!

No one will be there to constantly remind you to do tasks such as meeting deadlines, and handling multiple writing projects while maintaining a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives.

Nowadays, it’s possible to be organised efficiently by using smart utilities from the internet such as productivity apps and software (free or paid).

Some helpful guides to keep you organised include:

  • Using a calendar or project management tool.

We recommend Asana, a great task management software with many great features that can help you increase work productivity, and build project plans to help you keep on track to meet your submission dates.

  • Set goals and break them down

 Set short-term and long-term goals for your freelance career. Break them down into smaller, actionable tasks. 

  • Keep a to-do list

 Maintain a to-do list to capture all your tasks and projects.

  • Manage your finances

Use accounting software or tools to track your income, expenses, and tax obligations.

  • Maintain a tidy workspace

Declutter your desk, organize files and documents, and create a file naming system that makes it easy to find information when you need it.

  • Communicate effectively

Good communication helps you stay on top of project details, avoids misunderstandings, and builds strong client relationships.

  • Take regular breaks

Overworking can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Scheduling breaks improves your focus and overall well-being.

Step 10: Continue Learning and Improving 

The last important key to knowing as a freelancer is to have self-awareness, knowing where you are lacking and where to improve.

This way the more you gain experience, the more you are learning.

Not everyone is perfect, we all make mistakes, but it’s only okay to make them as long as you learn from your mistakes.

Moreover, keeping up-to-date with the latest freelance writing trends will help you improve as well.

All in all, being CONSISTENT is a crucial fundamental of freelancing, when you learn and improve, you will be consistent in producing great work.


Freelance writing is an excellent career opportunity that you can start today. With this guide and a bit of perseverance, you can become a successful freelance writer in no time.

Remember to take your time in developing your portfolio, network around for potential projects, establish relationships with clients, maintain good organization practices, stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and never stop learning and improving.

Good luck!

Now that you’ve read how to become a freelance writer guide, what is the next step for you? Feel free to share your thoughts with us- we would love to hear from you! Good luck on your freelance writing journey!


What is freelancing?

Freelancers are like independent contractors who offer their service to clients on a project-by-project basis, without entering into a long-term employment contract.

Freelancers are self-employed and typically work remotely, providing their expertise and skills to various clients or companies.

So basically, no boss, no more fixed working hours, you get to be your own boss, and probably make as much or much more money the easier way than having to work every day from 9 to 5 working hours and having to travel far for it.

What is a freelance writer? 

Freelancers offer a wide range of services, depending on their skills and expertise, but one of them is a freelance writer.

Freelance writers as the title suggests are self-employed writers that write as a career, whether that be writing blogs, articles, fiction, newspaper, web content, and many more.

However, freelance writers have more freedom in choosing what type of writing project they want to do, most of these writers choose to specialize in one industry only though, depending on their interests and background.

Why become a freelancer?

These are the benefits that motivated some individuals that chose to be a freelancer as a full-time job to support themselves:

  • Flexibility: You have the ability to set your own schedule, choose the projects you want to work on and work from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. This flexibility allows you to balance work with personal commitments and enjoy a better work-life balance.
  • Independence: As a freelancer, you are your own boss. You have control over your career, the clients you work with, and the type of work you undertake.
  • Variety and Learning Opportunities: Freelancing exposes you to a diverse range of projects and clients, which can help you expand your skill set and knowledge.
  • Higher Earning Potential: Depending on your skills, experience, and market demand, freelancers often have the potential to earn more than traditional employees.
  • Increased Job Security: While freelancing comes with its own set of risks, some individuals see it as a way to diversify their income streams and reduce reliance on a single employer. With multiple clients and projects, you are less vulnerable to layoffs or downsizing which can affect traditional employees.
  • Pursuing Passion and Creativity: Freelancing allows you to pursue your passion and work on projects that genuinely interest you.

Who can become a freelancer?

Freelancing has become a popular option for individuals who want to have more control over their careers and work on their own terms.

Basically, anyone can become a freelancer! As long as they have a valuable skill or service to offer clients. 

The key to a successful freelance career is to have a strong work ethic, excellent time management skills, and the ability to market oneself effectively.

With hard work and determination, anyone has the potential to become a successful freelancer!

Besides writing, what other freelance can you do?

There are so many freelancing jobs you can do out there, and there will always be the need for these freelance workers:

  1. Graphic designers
  2. Web developers
  3. Photographer
  4. Photo Editor
  5. Video Editor
  6. Data entry
  7. Online tutor
  8. Virtual Assistant
  9. Game developer
  10. Translator
  11. Social Media manager
  12. Consultant

How much do freelance writers get paid?

The earnings of freelancers can vary significantly based on various factors such as their skills, experience, industry, location, and the demand for their services.

Some freelancers may earn a comfortable living and even exceed the income of traditional employees in their field, while others may face more income fluctuations and need to carefully manage their finances.

It’s worth noting that freelancers are responsible for covering their own business expenses, including taxes, healthcare, equipment, software, marketing, and retirement savings. These costs should be factored into their earnings.

It ultimately depends on the freelancer’s skills, expertise, reputation, ability to attract and retain clients, and their chosen niche or industry.

Is freelancing easy?

There are so many ways to earn money these days, some are easy and some are not, depending on the person’s interests and skills.

But with that being said, the easy part only comes with enough passion, interest, and effort. If ones are not interested in the job, any job that needs to be done is going to be hard for them.

What are the cons of freelancing?

As with nearly anything, everything has advantages and disadvantages. 

Here is a list of the drawbacks of freelancing:

  • As a freelancer, you must work alone and engage in limited social interaction.
  • Finding clients as a new freelancer could be difficult.
  • Freelancers are not entitled to employee perks like paid time off or medical insurance.
  • A self-employed career may have an unpredictable and fluctuating income.
  • Freelancers are in charge of paying their own overhead expenses.

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